Introduction Storichain is a project that provides a partially decentralized dApp application and a general protocol for solving the story industry problems using blockchain characteristics. The “story industry” refers to an industry that uses “stories” as the source of its products and includes areas such as films, dramas, web novels, web dramas, plays, musicals and radio shows. Storichain can be seen as a digital history asset management system that allows people to make online transactions even with unreliable people by entering into an “agreement to prevent the theft of ideas”. Another problem in the industry is that of profit sharing. For example, the webtoon industry, which is one of Korea’s largest plot-based industries, has already exceeded $ 700 million in market size, but there are still many people who doubt the profit sharing structure in the industry, as well as in many materials. Creators still have difficulty getting enough compensation for their work. Storich...