Quick - Cross Blockchain Technology Transactions
An article from a few days ago by Picolo Research, a website that I consider very reliable and which often gives excellent investment advice, because it too directly involved with the Astronaut project, talked about the possible scenarios of the world of cryptomete in 2018. The results of 'analysis reported are positive, despite the strange moment of current depression, despite the Consensus, the event of the year for the crypto-coins, which has always benefited in terms of price and capitalization.Among the conclusions of the article, we read that the projects that will have succesos in this year, are those that develop or develop protocols on existing blockchain, able to improve and enhance them in terms of scalability and therefore speed.
That's why today I decided to write an article about the QuickX project, a project for creating a protocol designed to perform off-chain transactions, then disconnected from the network. The off-chain transactions give the possibility to make the most of the computing power of the machine or of the machines that interact and work on and make the interface with the immediate reference blockchain, transferring to it only the digested data, or processed. The project does not just want to improve the speed of each blockchain, but offers the possibility to perform intra blockchain, cross-chain transactions, once sufficient liquidity has been created. That is, as investors decide to move their trading volume on the QuickX platform, the exchange rate between different blockchains occurs with more speed and, above all, with less commissions.
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Below is a significant table that highlights the differences with the main competitors, supporting the quality of the QuickX project:
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The team that wants to finance the QuickX project is not new to the computer world. The members, in fact, come from the Secugenius Company, well-known in India for having obtained significant awards such as the innovation award, directly from the Indian vice president, and known worldwide for being in the top five places of the information security companies in 2015 and in 2016, as well as having Vodafone as a customer. It is evident the skills of the members who have thought of this project, as is evident the dense network of relationships with the world of advanced technology, given the collaborations with the Korean projects of PayX, CoinBridge, and with other projects made in Singapore as Smart chain , Goldiam, Showhand and Centareum. The QuickX project is, finally, recognized by the Global Blockchain Foundation.
By participating in the ICO you can buy a slice of the token made available for sale, equal to 50% of the total. The change was set at 1 ETH = 7,500 QCX. The value of the token is ensured by the burningsui token unsold. The softcap is very low, equal to 4000 ETH; the hardcap is 29123 ETH.
QCX tokens have an intrinsic value because they are used on the platform as GAS for NEO, that is, financing the low commissions of off-chain or cross-chain transnations that take place on the platform. Without QCX in the portfolio, it is not possible to enjoy all the features of the project.
For more information visit:
Website: https://www.quickx.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quickxprotocol
Telegram: https://t.me/quickxprotocol
Profil btt : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2280022
Eth addres : 0xdDe4F7782EE2fA6e6801CA5C2c610390F0d28ae1
Username : nakatami
Eth addres : 0xdDe4F7782EE2fA6e6801CA5C2c610390F0d28ae1
Username : nakatami
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